Barite, (BaSO4) is a mineral consisting of Barium Sulphate. By virtue of its high specific gravity, barites is extensively used as drilling mud in oil well industry.

  • BARITE is a mineral composed of barium sulphate, BaSO4.
  • It is usually colourless or milky white, but can be almost any colour, depending on the impurities trapped in the crystals during their formation.
  • It is unusually heavy for a non-metallic mineral.
  • It’s high density is responsible for its value in many applications such as Drilling, Paint & Rubber.
  • BARITES is chemically inert and insoluble.
  • BARITES (BaSO4) is the most common mineral of Barium.
  • Name BARITES was named from the Greek word ‘baros’ which means weighty, a reference to its unusually high specific gravity.

Further, barites are also widely used in glass, paint and chemical industries.


Drilling Application: High Density & Specific Gravity of Drilling Grade Grey Barite is used in Oil & Gas Drilling industries as a drilling mud in both onshore and offshore. India is the largest supplier of good quality Barite for Drilling.

Paint Applications: High Specific Gravity Grade Barites is used in paint industry where whiteness is not of importance. This product is highly cost efficient and will suit in paint manufacturing applications where its high specific gravity of 4.3 - 4.4 and purity of ~96% will give competitive advantage.

Adhesives and Rubber: High Specific Gravity Grade Barites is used in Rubber and Adhesive industry as Inert and color-neutral density enhancer in noise and vibration reduction systems. Extension levels up to 80% can be achieved. Excellent for use in adhesives, mastic compounds, epoxy resin sizing pastes, unsaturated polyester and polyurethane systems, and also in glazes and impregnation agents, grinding pastes, lubricants and separating agent. In an adhesive or sealant formulation, barium sulfate is an excellent filler choice in specialized applications where X-ray absorbance or chemical resistance is a necessity.

White Paint Applications: Iris Impulse is also active in the field of mining & processing White Barites. Barite occurs naturally in white color in small quantities but commands a high premium in the white paint market.

In Barites powder there are different grades where in as per the customer’s requirement the products are supplied.

Bentonite is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate, essentially impure clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. Usages of Bentonite in different sectors are mainly Oil well drilling, Iron Orepelletization, Construction, Agriculture, Paint, Cat litter, Paper, Detergents, Ceramics and many more.

For industrial purposes, two main classes of Bentonite exist: Sodium and Calcium Bentonite.

Sodium Bentonite used in drilling mud for oil and gas wells and for geotechnical and environmental investigations. Calcium Bentonite is used in oil bleaching purpose for Palm oil and it will not react with Soda and also don’t have swelling character.

Hematite, (Fe2 03)is the mineral form of iron oxide, one of several iron oxides ,colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. Hematite is used as a drilling fluid in oil drilling companies.

Many of the various forms of hematite have separate names. The steel-gray crystals and coarse-grained varieties have a brilliant metallic lustre and are known as specular iron ore; thin scaly types are called micaceous hematite. Much hematite occurs in a soft, fine-grained, earthy form called red ochre or ruddle. Intermediate between these types are compact varieties, often with a reniform surface (kidney ore) or a fibrous structure (pencil ore). Red ochre is used as a paint pigment; a purified form, rouge, is used to polish plate glass.

Guar Gum is a creamish white free flowing powder and free from extraneous matter. Its ability to suspend solids, bind water by hydrogen bonding, control the viscosity of aqueous solutions and form strong tough films, have accounted for its rapid growth and use in various industries.

Industrial grade Guar Gum is used in Ceramics, Paints ,Textile Processing, Drilling Fluids, and many other industries. The purified grade is used in the Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetic and Food Industries.

Guar Gum when used in oil well drilling muds, gives a better colloid thereby reducing water losses. It regulates the viscosity of mud solution, stabilises and regulates the flow properties of the drilling muds.
Use of guar gum in the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) extraction of oil and shale gas as well.

Quartz is one of the most famous minerals on the earth. It occurs in essentially all mineral environments, and is the crucial constituent of many rocks. It is likewise the maximum varied of all minerals, taking place in all distinct habits, and colorings. There are more range names given to Quartz than any other mineral.

Quartz is among the most common of all rock forming minerals and is found in many metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and those igneous rocks that are high in silica content such as granites and rhyolites. It is a common vein mineral and is often associated with mineral deposits.

Cryptocrystalline varieties are used as semi-precious stones and for ornamental purposes. These varieties are divided more by character than by colour. Chalcedony, or agate, is divided into innumerable types that have been named for locally common varieties.